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Nutricia Souvenaid 125ml


Souvenaid® contains a unique combination of nutrients, called Fortasyn™Connect, designed to meet the specific nutritional needs of people in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

These include omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids(fish oil), uridine monophosphate and choline, together with phospholipids, B vitamins and other nutrients at levels difficult to achieve from normal dietary intake alone. Together, these nutrients have been shown to nutritionally support memory function in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease1-2.

Flavours : Vanilla and Cappuccino

Minimum order: 25 bottles

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Souvenaid® contains a unique combination of nutrients, called Fortasyn™Connect, designed to meet the specific nutritional needs of people in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

These include omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids(fish oil), uridine monophosphate and choline, together with phospholipids, B vitamins and other nutrients at levels difficult to achieve from normal dietary intake alone. Together, these nutrients have been shown to nutritionally support memory function in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease1-2.

Souvenaid® is a daily medical nutrition drink available in 125ml bottle in 2 flavours – Vanilla and Cappuccino.

Souvenaid® is not suitable as a sole source of nutrition and should only be used in addition to normal dietary intake.

Souvenaid® contains ingredients obtained from milk, fish and soy. People who have an allergy to milk protein, fish or soy may not be able to consume Souvenaid®.

Souvenaid® is not suitable for people with Galactosaemia.

Souvenaid® is gluten free. People with Coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity can consume Souvenaid®.

Souvenaid® is lactose free. People with lactose intolerance can consume Souvenaid®.

People with diabetes can consume Souvenaid®. However, Souvenaid® does contain carbohydrate and as with other foods containing carbohydrate, it is advisable for people with diabetes to monitor their blood glucose levels in consultation with their diabetes medical team.

1. Scheltens P, et al. Alzheimers Dement. 2010 Jan;6(1)1-10.e1.
2. Scheltens P, et al. J Alzheimer’s Dis. 2012;31: 225-236.1.


Cappuccino, Strawberry, Vanilla



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Nutricia Souvenaid 125ml